What kind of meditation does Ehipassiko offer?Vipassana Bhavana or Insight meditation
In Vipassana bhavana or insight meditation we practice awareness or mindfulness of what is here and now in our presence. The word Vipassana (Pali) means “clear insight, seeing things as they really are”. Vipassana meditation is a process of self-observation with the aim of purifying the mind from the deepest layers of negativity and impurities such as anger, hatred, greed and fear. As their influence weakens, positive qualities such as wisdom, love, compassion, joy and equanimity naturally develop. Metta Bhavana or Meditation on Loving Kindness In this form of meditation we develop the heart qualities of Metta (kindness), Karuna (compassion), Upekkha (equanimity) and Mudita (joy in other people's well-being). Metta (Pali) is in Buddhism one of the four sublime states of mind. The term is difficult to translate with accuracy. Metta in its purest form expresses an unconditional love as well as the best of intentions and wishes for all the beings in the universe. Metta thus goes along with mental stability, happiness and tranquility. Thoughts and intentions of metta, or loving kindness were widely praised and recommended by the Buddha. The Metta Sutta (from the Nipata Sutta) is recited daily in many Buddhist monasteries. |