PitiPiti, or joyful interest -“delight” in Pali-, aims at being a forum where you can share your thoughts on how the Dhamma inspires you and influences your life everyday life and during the actual practice. Where do you encounter the Buddha in your own life? We do it by standing still in our own environment with certain themes and by reading about these topics together and discuss texts. We go back to the ancient Pali canon, the corpus of sacred writings of the Theravada school, to find out what the Buddha himself said over it.
Important points of focus are your personal experience, mindfulness, but also speaking, silence, listening, calm and awareness are important matters during the gathering. There are several active Piti groups. Each group meets once a month. On the basis of a fixed structure and schedule a theme is agreed upon in advance and communicated. If you are interested, send an email to Frank Van Rompaey or to Gemma Panhuysen. Conditions to participate are a commitment to come to the meetings and a healthy dose of discipline to investigate the topic to work on. Picture : Tmaurizia or CC-BY-SA-3.0 via Wikimedia Commons |