LibraryEhipassiko has a nice collection of books, recordings and CDs on themes such as Buddhismand spirituality.
A large part in English. It is located in the meditation room in Antwerp. Here you will find the Ehipassiko library catalog. If you want to borrow materials, we ask you to register once on this form. Here you will find the regulations of the library. Digital libraryOUR FAVORITES
Godwin Samararatne's Meditation and Dhamma teachings Upul Gamage's Light of Nilambe IN DUTCH De boeken van Guy Dubois De Nederlandse vertalingen van het Pali-Canon door Dhammajoti Het Theravada archief van Peter van Loosbroek De digitale boeken van Nico Moonen MULTILINGUAL Early Buddhist texts, translations, and parallels IN ENGLISH Access to Insight of the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies Reading list of the Insight Meditation Society |